| Emblem & Flag | 900. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 v1. wmk inverted (SW) 150.00 v2. Value Printed Double 800.00 FIRST DAY COVER = 30.00 N. 40 (8 x 5) S. 49.2 x 30.7 mm Q. 2.000 ML each PP. Litho Offset D. Adil Salah-ud-Din Gum. PVA Wmk North East Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights on left corner of the sheetlet. | | 1994-2 EVEV OF BIO-DIVERSITY DAY 20TH April 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Pattan Jot, Wet Land, Mahseer Fish, Brown Bear | 901. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 902. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 903. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 904. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 v1. Black Colour Omited 800.00 v2. wmk inverted Set (Sw) 300.00 FIRST DAY COVER = 120.00 N. 64 (16 x 4) stamps or (1 x 16) 16 Sets S. 39 x 25 mm Q. 2.000 ML each PP. Litho Offset D. Ilyas Jilani Gum. PVA Wmk North West Four stamps were printed together horizontal se-tenant strip throughout the sheet. Imprint on lower margin in left corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights on right corner of the sheetlet. | | 1994-3 INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE FAMILY 15TH May 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Silhouette of Family & Emblem | 905. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 FIRST DAY COVER = 30.00 N. 32 (8 x 4) S. 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q. 1.000 ML each PP. Litho Offset D. Nargis Munir Gum. PVA Wmk North West Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights on left corner of the sheetlet. | | 1994-4 WORLD POPULATION DAY 11TH May 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Symbol Globe & Emblem | 906. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N. 100 (10 X 10) stamps S. 51 x 35 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1994-5 PIONEERS OF FREEDOM (SERIES) 11TH May 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| 907. Rs. 1.00 Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk 30.00 5.00 908. Rs. 1.00 Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto 30.00 5.00 909. Rs. 1.00 Nawab Wiqar-ul-Mulk 30.00 5.00 910. Rs. 1.00 Pir Ellahi Bux 30.00 5.00 911. Rs. 1.00 Sir Shah Abdul Qadir 30.00 5.00 912. Rs. 1.00 Dr. Sir Ziauddin Ahmed 30.0 5.00 913. Rs. 1.00 Jam Mir G. Qadir Khan 30.0 5.00 914. Rs. 1.00 Sardar Aurangzeb Khan 30.0 5.00 SHEETLET = 907 to 914 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N. 8 stamps and one flag (3+2+3) Gum. PVA Q: 0.500ML S: 35 x 50.8 D: Prof. Saeed Akhtar Eight different stamps and one flag were printed together se-tenant horizontal & vertical throughout the sheetlet. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and three traffic lights on left corner of the sheetlet. Word’s “PIONEER OF FREEDOM (Series)” on upper margin and a green line around the sheelet. | | 1994-6 INDONESIA PAKISTAN ECONOMIC & CULTUREAL COOPERATION ORGANIZATION 19TH May 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Hala Pottery Lombok Pottery | (Pakistan) (Indonesia) | 915. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured. 40.00 15.00 916. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured. 40.00 15.00 FIRST DAY COVER 80.00 N. 24 (6 X 4) stamps or (3 x 4) 12 Sets Gum. PVA S: 30.5 x 49 mm Wmk North East Q: 0.500ML each PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA Two stamps were printed together se-tenant in horizontal pairs throughout the sheet. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1994-7 INTERNATIONAL LITERACY DAY 8TH May 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Globe & Boy Writing | 917. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured. 20.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 20.00 N. 36 (6 X 6) stamps S. 28.5 x 38.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA D: Nargis Munir Wmk North East. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1994-8 QUID-E-AZAM MOHAMMAD ALI JINNAH DEFINITIVE SERIES 11TH September 1994 Perf: 13C |  | 918. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured. 50.00 5.00 v1. Black Omitted 1000.00 v2. Black Dry Print 500.00 v3. Black Misplaced. 100.00 919. Rs. 2.00 Multicoloured. 50.00 5.00 v1. Yellow Colour Omitted v2. Black Dry Print 500.00 v3. Black Misplaced. 100.00 v4. Black Omitted 1000.00 v5. Black Shifted 100.00 920. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured. 50.00 5.00 v1. Black Mitted 1000.00 v2. Black 3 times 1000.00 v3. Black Double 500.00 v4. Black Misplaced 1000.00 v5. Black Dry Print 100.00 921. Rs. 4.00 Multicoloured. 50.00 5.00 v1. Black omitted 1000.00 v2. Black Misplaced 1000.00 v3. Year 1994-95 on stamp 500.00 v4. Imprint on Print 1000.00 v5. Black Misplaced 100.00 922. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 50.00 5.00 v1. Bottom Row Partially Printed 1000.00 v2. Black Shifted to next stamp 300.00 v3. Black misplaced 100.00 v4. Black Double 200.00 v5. Black Omitted 1500.00 v6. Wmk inverted 100.00 923. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured. 50.00 5.00 v1. Black Omitted 1000.00 | |
| | 924. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 5.00 v1. Black Omitted 1000.00 v2. Black Double 200.00 v3. Black Misplaced 100.00 v4. Intaglio Double 200.00 v5. Litho on back 100.00 v6. Black Dry Print 100.00 v7. Black shifted to next stamp 200.00 v8. Bottom Row Partially Printed 1000.00 v9. Black dry print double 200.00 v10. One upper row portrait design missing 1000.00 v11. Three upper row portrait design missing 5000.00 v12. Wmk inverted 100.00 v13. Multi Black 6 times 200.00 925. Rs. 12.00 Multicoloured. 40.00 5.00 v1. Black Omitted 1000.00 v2. Black Double 200.00 v3. Black Misplaced 100.00 v4. Wmk inverted 100.00 v5. Intaglio Double 1000.00 | 926. Rs.15.00 Multicoloured. 50.00 5.00 v1. Gum Side Print 1000.00 v2. Black Double 500.00 v3. Black Misplaced 100.00 v4. Bottom row partially printed 1000.00 v5. Black shifted up ward 500.00 v6. Black Omitted 1500.00 v7. Year 1996-97 on stamp 1000.00 v8. Half Black shifted to other stamp 927. Rs.20.00 Multicoloured. 60.00 5.00 v1. Black Omitted 1000.00 v2. Bottom row partially printed 1500.00 v3. Black Misplaced. 200.00 v4. Wmk reverse (NW) 200.00 | 928. Rs. 25.00 Multicoloured. 100.00 25.00 v1. Upper Row stamp Partially Printed 1500.00 v2. Black shifted 200.00 v3. Black Omitted 1500.00 929. Rs. 30.00 Multicoloured. 125.00 25.00 v1. Portrait & design Omitted 2000.00 v2. Black Shifted 200.00 v3. Black Omitted 1000.00 v4. Wmk Reverse 100.00 SET = 918 to 929 700.00 130.00 FRIST DAY COVER 700.00 N 100(10 X 10) Stamps 44.5 x 32.5 PP. Portraiit and Design = Itaglio Denomination & Base colour = Litho offset. Q: Rs. 1.00 Rs. 7.00 = 5.000 ML each. Gum PVA Rs. 10.00 to Rs. 30.00 = 2.5 ML each. D. Adil Salah-ud-Din Engraver = Zulfiqar Ali Imprint on lower margin in right corner of the sheet Later on, on denominations Rs. = 10.00 to Rs. = 20.00. Imprint on lower margin & in all corners of the sheet. | | 1994-9 2nd SAARC & 12TH NATIONAL SCOUTS JAMBOREE-QUETTA 22ND September 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Gate Way & Emblem | 930. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured. 20.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 20.00 N. 28 (7 X 4) stamps S. 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA D: Nargis Munir Wmk North East. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1994-10 FIRST INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ISLAMIC ARTISANS AT WORK IN ISLAMABAD 7TH September 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Engraver at Work | 931. Rs. 2.00 Multicoloured. 15.00 5.00 v1. Wmk Inverted (SE) 50.00 FIRST DAY COVER 15.00 N. 36 (6 X 6) stamps S. 28.5 x 38.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA D: Lok Virsa. Islamabad. Wmk North Easat. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1994-11 MEDICAL PLANTS OF PAKISTAN (AJWAIN) 7TH September 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Henbane Plant | 932. Rs. 6.00 Multicoloured. 20.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 20.00 N. 25 (5 X 5) stamps S. 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA D: Lok Virsa. Islamabad. Wmk North Easat. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1994-12 1000 Years of “Shahnama” 27TH October 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Hakim Abu Qasim Firdousi (Poet) | 933. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured. 5.00 5.00 v1. Wmk Inverted (SE) 50.00 FIRST DAY COVER 10.00 N. 28 (7 X 4) stamps S. 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA D: Faizi Amir. Wmk North Easat. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1994-13 CENTENARY OF LAHORE MESEUM 31ST December 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| Lahore Museum Building | 934. Rs. 4.00 Multicoloured. 20.00 5.00 v1. Wmk Inverted (SE) 50.00 FIRST DAY COVER 20.00 N. 25 (5 X 5) stamps S. 35 x 51 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA D: Abdullah Siddiqu Wmk North Easat. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1994-14 PAKISTAN WORLD CUP HOCKEY CHAMPIONS 31ST December 1994 Perf: 13C | 
| World Cup Trophies | 935. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 20.00 5.00 v1. Wmk Inverted (SE) 50.00 FIRST DAY COVER 20.00 N. 25 (5 X 5) stamps S. 35 x 51 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset Gum. PVA D: Javeduddin Wmk North Easat. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1994 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | | |