| Flag, Quid-e-Azam with Industrial & Commercial Scene | Flag, bank Note & Banking Equipments | 839. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 840. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 FIRST DAY COVER 50.00 N: 30 (5 x6) stamps S: 50.8 x 32.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset D: By Muslim Commercial Bank Gum = PVA Imprint on lower margin in left corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in right corner of the sheet. | | 1992-2 NATIONAL SEMINAR OF PHILATELY MULTAN 1992 15TH April, 1992 Perf: 13C | 
| Portrait of Quaid-e-Azam | 841. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 100.00 100.00 842. Rs. 1.50 Multicoloured 100.00 100.00 843. Rs. 2.00 Multicoloured 200.00 200.00 844. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 100.00 100.00 845. Rs. 4.00 Multicoloured 400.00 400.00 846. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured 500.00 500.00 Set = 841to 846 FIRST DAY COVER 1500.00 N: 100 (10 x10) stamps S: 50.8 x 32.5 mm Q: Rs. 1.00, Rs. 2.00 = 145 sheet’s x 100 = 100 = 14500 Stamps each. Rs. 1.50, Rs. 3.00, Rs. 4.00, Rs. 5.00 = 45 sheets x 100 = 4500 stamp each. | The overprinting on the adhesives was done with a plate using offset printing. The plate consists of 6 Horizontal x 8 vertical clichés. The plate has composed by placing the clichés upright. Side ways reverse invited and inverted. Each Cliché is composed of the following words repeated 20 times in block letter without a full stop. “NATIONLA SEMINAR ON PHILATELY MULTAN 1992” the measurements of each sentence are 2.5 mm (Height) x 54.5mm (Length). The stamps were preprinted by PCPC on stamps No. 753 to 758. Imprint on lower margin in left corner and on left margin in upper corner of the sheet. Stamps were issued in very limited quantity and sold at only one special counter of seminar at Multan. Collectors and dealers failed to get this issue and only few Collectors purchased these stamp from this issue because it was not sold at any other office/Philatelic Burea. It5 is reported that post notification was also issued after two months. The post office has not issued any leaflet or First Day Cover. Post office issued a booklet on this occasion. Organizser Bahauddin Zakaria Stamp Association issued a First Day Cover titled “Souvenir Cover” and a presentation pack. | | 1992-3 WORLD CRICKET CUP 1992 27TH April, 1992 Perf: 13C | 
| Imran Khan & Trophy | Trophy, Flag & cricket Ball | Trophy & National Flag | 847. Rs. 2.00 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 v. Black Omitted 3000.00 848. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 849. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured 60.00 10.00 SET = 847 to 849 100.00 30.00 FIRST DAY COVER 100.00 N. 32 = ( 4 x 8) or ( 8 x 4) stamps Q: 0.500 ML S: Rs. 2.00 & Rs. 7.00 = 32.5 x 44.5 mm and Rs. 5.00 44.5 x 32.5 mm PP. Litho Offset. D. Rs. 7.00 = Mansoor Ahmed Gum. PVA Imprint on lower margin in left corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights (star in circles) in right corner of all the sheets. | | 1992-4 INTERNATIONAL SPACE YEAR (ISY) 7th June, 1992 Perf: 13C | 
| Rehber I Rocket & Satellite View of the Earth | Satellite or butting Earth & Emblem | 850. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 20.00 5.00 851. Rs. 2.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 FIRST DAY COVER 50.00 N: 30 (5 x6) stamps S: 49.2 x 30.7 mm Q: 1.000ML Gum = PVA PP. Litho Offset D: Rs. 1.00 = Ilyas Gilani, Rs. 2.00 Syed Ali Afsar Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in right corner of the sheet. | | 1992-5 NEW DEFINITIVE SERIES EXPORTS OF PAKISTAN 5TH July, 1992 Perf: 13C | 
| Surgical, Leather, Sports Goods | 852. Rs. 2.00 Multicoloured 50.00 25.00 v1. Value Omitted 1000.00 v2. Gum Side 1000.00 v3. Dry Print (Value) 500.00 v4. Black Double 500.00 853. Rs. 15.00 Multicoloured 100.00 25.00 854. Rs. 25.00 Multicoloured 200.00 100.00 SET = 847 to 849 100.00 30.00 FIRST DAY COVER 350.00 N. 42 (7 X 6) stamps or 14 (2 x 7)stamps PP.Litho Q. 10.000 S:38.34 x 28.5 D: Syed Ali Afsar Gum PVA Stamps were printed together horizontal se-tanent strop of three throughout the sheet. Later on separate sheets of 42 stamps of all values were also issued. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1992-6 POPULATION DAY 25TH June, 1992 Perf: 13C | 
| Globe & Family | 855. Rs. 6.00 Multicoloured 20.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 20.00 N. 25 (5 X 5) stamps PP. Litho Offset Q. 2.000 ML S.44.5 x 32.5mm D. Syed Ali Afsar Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1992-7 PIONEERS OF FREEDOM SERIES 14TH August, 1992 Perf: 13C | 
| Syed Suleman Nadvi | Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mamdot | Mulana Muhammad Shibli Naumani | 856. Rs. 1.00 Green & Brown 10.00 5.00 857. Rs. 1.00 Green & Brown 10.00 5.00 858. Rs. 1.00 Green & Brown 10.00 5.00 SET = 847 to 849 30.00 15.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N. 9 (3 X 3) stamps or 3 sets S.44.5 x 32.5mm Q. 2.000 ML PP. Litho Offset D. Syed Ali Afsar Printed together se-tenant horizontal strops of three stamps throughout the sheetlet. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. Word’s “POINEERS OF FREEDOM (Series)” on upper margin and green line around the sheetlet. | |
| Scout Badge & Salute, Mosque & Solute Salute | 859. Rs. 6.00 Multicoloured. 25.00 5.00 v1. Red Double 200.00 v2. Blue Double 200.00 860. Rs. 6.00 Multicoloured. 25.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 50.00 N. 36 (9 X 4) stamps S. 26 x 41 Q. 2.000 ML each PP. Litho Offset D. Ilyas Ahmed Gilani Gum. PVA. Imprint on lower margin in left corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in right corner of the sheet. | | 1992-9 CENTENARY OF GOVERNMENT ISLAMIA COLLEGE LAHORE 23RD August, 1992 Perf: 14C | 
| Islamic College Building & emblem | 861. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured. 25.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N. 32 (8 X 4) Gum. PVA S. 50.8 x 24.5mm Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in right corner of the sheet. | | 1992-10 MEDICINAL PLANTS OF PAKISTAN BANAFSHA-VIOLET 22ND November, 1992 Perf: 13C | 
| Banafsha Flower & drug Manufacturer Unit | 862. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured. 25.00 5.00 v1. Black Double 200.00 v2. Green Double 200.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N. 28 (4 X 7) stamps S. 44.5 x 32.5 mm D. Syed Ali Afsar Gum. PVA Imprint on lower margin in left corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in right corner of the sheet. | | 1992-11 EXTRA ORDINARY SESSION ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION ORGANIZATION MINISTERS 28TH November, 1992 Perf: 13C | 
| ECO Emblem in Flower | 863. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N. 32 (4 X 8) stamps S. 44.5 x 32.5 mm D. Syed Ali Afsar Gum. PVA Impritn on lower margin in left corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in right corner of he sheet. | | 1992-12 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL ROME 5TH December, 1992 Perf: 14C | 
| Emblem & Field | 864. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N. 32 (4 X 8) stamps S. 44.5 x 32.5 mm Q: 2.000ML PP. Litho Offset D. Adil Salah-ud-Din Gum. PVA Imprint on lower margin in left corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in right corner of he sheet. | | 1992-13 ISLAMIC CULTURAL HERITAGE Al-HAMRA SPAIN 5TH December, 1992 Perf: 14C | 
| Al-Hamra Place, Granada Spain | 865. Rs. 7.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N. 32 (4 X 8) stamps S. 44.5 x 32.5 mm Q. 2.000 ML D. Syed Ali Afsar Gum. PVA Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1992-14 WILD LIFE SERIES DUCKS 31ST December, 1992 Perf: 14C | 
| Common Shelduck, Mallard, Greylag Goose, Gadwall | 866. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 867. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 868. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 869. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 870. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 871. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 872. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 873. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 874. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 875. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 876. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 877. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 878. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 879. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 880. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 881. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured. 30.00 10.00 v1. Imperf Sheetlet 20000.00 SET = 866 to 881 500.00 160.00 FIRST DAY COVER 500.00 N. 16 (4 x 4) stamps S. 26 x 41mm Q. 0.500 ML Sheets PP. Litho Offset D. Adil Salah-Din Sixteen different stamps were printed together horizontal & vertical se-tenant throughout the sheetlet. Imprint on lower margin in left corner, year 1992 in the centre and four traffic lights in right corner of the sheetlet. Words “SEE THEM SAVE THEM” on upper margin and a red line around the sheetlet. | | |