| 1984-1 Wild Life Series Snow Leopard | 21st January 1984 Perf: 14C | 
| Snow Leopard | 611. Rs. 40p. Multicoloured 75.00 15.00 612. Rs. 1.60 Multicoloured 75.00 15.00 FIRST DAY COVER 150.00 PRINTER: Secura Singapore (Pvt) LTd. Q: 1.000ML PP. Litho Offset Imprint on lower margin and SSPL on upper margin in the centre of the sheet. PLATE No. 1A, 1A, 1A, 1A, 1A on upper an lower margin on both corners of the sheet. Six traffic lights on left and right margin in upper and lower corner’s on both sheet’s. | | 1984-2 SQUASH CHAMPION'S 17th March 1984 Perf: 13C | 
| Jahangir Khan Playing Squash | 613. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 20.00 5.00 First Day Cover 25.00 N: 10 (2 x 5) stamps S: 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din Imprint on lower margin in left corner and year 1984 on lower margin in the centre of the sheetlet. Word’s line around all the 10 stamps, of the sheetlet. | | 1984-3 YEARS OF PIA SERVICE TO CHINA 29th April 1984 Perf: 13C | 
| PIA Boeing & Mountains | 614. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 40.00 5.00 FRIST DAY COVER 40.00 N: 12 (2 x 6) stamps S: 44.5 x 32.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din Imprint on lower margin in left corner and year 1984 on lower margin in the centre of the sheetlet. Word’s line around all the 10 stamps, of the sheetlet. Word “20 YEARS OF PIA CHINA SERVICE 1984” on upper margin and tales of different Aeroplane’s on left and right margin of the sheetlet. | | 1984-4 PAKISTAN HANDICRAFT SERIES GLASS WORK IN SHEESH MAHAL LAHORE FORT 31st May 1984 Perf: 13C | 
| Glass Work | 615. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 616. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 617. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 618. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 SET = 615 to 618 FRIST DAY COVER = 80.00 N: 50 (10 x 5) stamps Q: 1.000 ML each PRINTER = Secura Singapore (Pvt) Ltd. S: 615-616 = 30 x 48 mm, 617-618 = 48 x 30 mm D: Adil Salah-ud-Din PP. Litho Offset Imprint on lower margin and SSPL on upper margin in the centre of the sheet. PLATE number 1A, 1A, 1A, 1A, 1A, 1A, in four corner’s on upper and lower margin of the sheet. Six traffic lights on left and right margin in upper and lower corners of the sheet. | | 1984-5 DEFINITIVE SERIES FORTS OF PAKISTAN Date of Issue = 20p x 60p = 16.6.84, 10p = 25.9.84 5p = 1.11.84, 50p & 80p = 10.4.86, 15p = 1.12.86 | 
| 1-Kot Diji, 2-Pohtas Fort, 3-Bala Hisar, 4-Attock Fort | 5-Hyderabad, 6-Lahore Fort, 7-Sibi Fort, 8-Rani Kot Fort | 619. 5p. Black & Brown 5.00 5.00 v. Brown Double 100.00 620. 10p. Black & Brick 5.00 5.00 621. 15p. Yellow & Mauve 5.00 5.00 v1. Black Double 200 622. 20p. Yellow & Mauve 5.00 5.00 v1. Black Double 300 v2. Black Omitted 800.00 v3. Imperf Pair 1000.00 623. 50p. Brown & Black 5.00 5.00 624. 60p Dark Brown & Black 5.00 5.00 v1. Small flaw under “O” 30.00 of Lahore Die (i) v1. Imperf Pair 1000.00 625. 70p. Greenish Blue 5.00 5.00 v1. Color Omitted 1000.00 626. 80p. Bistre Brown & 5.00 5.00 dull scarlet v1. Imperf Pair 2000.00 80p. PVA Gum SET = 619 to 626 40.00 N: 200 (10 x20) stamps S: 25.4 x 21.3 mm D: 15p. Sultana Shamim Haider others Jabeen Sulatana PP. Litho Offset Imprint on upper margin in left corner and on lower margin in right corner of the sheet. 60p. without imprint sheets exist. | 5p, 50p, 60p and 80p stamp size black labels on right or left or on both sides of the sheet's. Thick black or coloured lines or 2 coloured small lines on let margin in all values on same sheets also exits. | Years: | 5p= 1986,1987,1987,1988-89,1990-91 and without year | 10p=1986,1987,1988-89,1990-91,1992-93,1993-94 | 15p= 1986,1987-88,1988-89,1990,1990-91 | 20p= 1986, 1987, 1987-88, 1988-89,1990,1990-91,1991-92,1992-93,1993-94 and without year | 50p=1987,1987-88,1988-89,1990-91,1991-92,1992-93,1993-94 | 60p=1990-91 and without year | 70p=1987,1987-88,1988-89 | 80p=1986,1987,1987-88,1988-89,1989-90,1990,1990-91,1992-93,1993-94,1996 | 80p= PVA Gum=1986 | | 1984-6 AGHA KHAN AWARD FOR ARCHITECTURE 26th June 1984 Perf: 13C | 
| Tomb of Shah Rukn-i-Alam, Multan | 627. 60p. Multicoloured 10.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 10.00 N: 10(2 x 5) stamps S: 50.8 x 35.2 mm Q: 0.500 ML PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din Imprint on lower margin in both corner’s of he sheetlet. The words “ THE AGHA KHAN AWARD FOR ARCHITECTURE” on upper margin and year 1984 on lower margin in the centre of the sheet. Insignia of Awards 10 times on right & left margin of the sheetlet. |
| Radio Mast & World Map | 628. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N: 50(10 x 5) stamps S: 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.500 ML PP: Litho offset D: Jabeen Sultana Imprint on lower margin in left and right corner, year 1984 in the centre of the sheet. | | 1984-8 LOS ANGELES OLYMPICS 31st July 1984 Perf: 13C |  | Hockey, Yachting, Athletics, Wrestling, Boxing | 629. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 30.00 15.00 630. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 30.00 15.00 631. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 30.00 15.00 632. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 30.00 15.00 633. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 30.00 15.00 SET = 629 to 633 150.00 75.00 FIRST DAY COVER 150.00 | N: 10(1 x 10) stamps S: 60 x 30.5 mm Q: 0.500 ML PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din No. 629-633 was later on in limited quantity issued in uncut sheets/ gutter sheets of all 5 designs in a presentation cover. Market Price Rs. 40,000.00 Imprint and year 1984 on lower margin in the centre of the sheet of the sheet and word LOS ANGELES Ten Olympic insignia o left and ten on right margin of the sheetlet. | | 1984-9 INDEPENDENCE DAY 14th August 1984 Perf: 13C | 
| Word 37th Jashan-i-Azadi Torch with 37 Flames | 634. 60.p Multicoloured 20.00 15.00 635. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 30.00 15.00 FIRST DAY COVER 50.00 N: 25(5 x 5) stamps S: 44.5 x 32.5 mm Q: 0.500 ML PP: Litho offset D: D.M.A Munawar Imprint and year1984 in the centre of the sheet Urdu inscription on four margins of the sheets of both values. | | 1984-10 PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE FARE 1st September 1984 Perf: 13C | 
| 636. 60p. Multicoloured 10.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 10.00 N: 20(4 x 5) stamps S: 40 x 40 mm Q: 0.500 ML PP: Litho offset D: Dr. Aftab Zafar Imprint on lower margin in left corner and year 1984 in the centre of the sheet. Four traffic lights in star shape on right corner in lower margin in the sheet. Word “PAKISTN INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR” on upper margin and a line on four margins of he sheet. | | 1984-12 SILVER JUBILEE OF UBL 7th November 1984 Perf: 13 x 13½ C | 
| Bank Emblem in Floral Pattern | 642. 60P. Multicoloured. 10.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 10.00 N: 10(2 x 5) stamps S: 39 x 50 mm Q: 0.500 ML . PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din Imprint on right corner and year 1984 in the centre on lower margin of the sheet. | | 1984-13 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE & DEVELOPMENT (UNCTAD) 24th December 1984 Perf: 14C | 
| Conference Emblem | 643. 60p. Multicoloured. 10.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 10.00 N: 25(5 x 5) stamps S: 39 x 50 mm Q: 0.500 ML PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din Imprint on right corner and year 1984 in the centre on lower margin of the sheet. | | 1984-14 CENTENARY OF POSTAL LIFE INSURANCE 29th December 1984 Perf: 13 x 13½C | 
| Hands & PLI Insignia / Word 100 & PLI Insignia | 644. 60p. Multicoloured. 10.00 5.00 645.Rs 1.00. Multicoloured. 20.00 15.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N: 30(5 x 6) stamps S: 33.1 x 41 mm Q: 0.500 ML PP: Litho offset D: 60p = Aftab Zafar & Rs. 1.00 = Jabeen Sultana Imprint on left corner, four traffic lights in right corner and year 1984 in the centre of lower margin of the sheets of both values. | | 1984-15 SAVE MOENJODARO 31st December 1984 Perf: 13 x 113 ½ C | 
| Bull (Wall Painting) Bull Seal | 646. Rs 2.00 Multicoloured 30.00 15.00 647. Rs 2.00 Multicoloured 30.00 15.00 FIRST DAY COVER 60.00 N: 60(10 x 6) stamps S: 33.1 x 41 mm Q: 0.500 ML PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-Ud-Din & M.A Munawar These stamps were printed horizontally se-tenant throughout the sheet. Imprint on left corner, four traffic lights in right corner and year 1984 in the centre of lower margin of the sheets of both values. | |
637. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 N: 25(5 x 5) stamps S: 50 x 39 mm 638. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 Q: 0.200 ML PP: Litho offset 639. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 637-41 were printed together, se-tent in horizontal 640. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 strips of 5 stamps throughout the sheet. 641. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 Imprint on lower margin in left corner and four SET = 637 to 641 200.00 100.00 lights in right corner, year 1984 in the centre of the FIRST DAY COVER 200.00 sheet. Word “Pakistan Tourism Convention 1984 on upper margin in the centre of the sheet. |