1987-1 125th NNIVERSARY OF ST. PATRICK’S SCHOOL, KARACHI 29th January 1987 Perf: 13C | 
| St. Patrick’s School Building | 686. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured 30.00 10.00 V.1 Imperf Pair 3500.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N: 21 (3 x7) stamps S: 60 x 30.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset D: Sultana Shamim Haider Imprint on lower margin in left corner and four traffic lights on the right corner, Year 1987 in the centre of the sheet Word’s “125 YEARS OF ST> PATRICK’S SCHOOL” on the other margin of the sheet. | | 1987-2 POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK WEEK 21st February 1987 Perf: 13C | 
| | 687. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured 50.00 25.00 688. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured 50.00 25.00 689. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured 50.00 25.00 690. Rs. 5.00 Multicoloured 50.00 25.00 v1. Imperf block 7000.00 SET = 687 to 690 200.00 100.00 N: 24 (6 x4) stamps : 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset D: Sultana Shamim Haider Imprint on lower margin in right and left corner, four traffic lights with insignia of post office and year 1987 in the centre of the sheet. Printed together se-tenant in blocks of four throughout the sheet, including 8 vertical labels 4 on right and 4 on left side showing the emblem of the post office. | | 1987-3 NEW PARLIAMNET HOUSE 23rd March 1987 Perf: 13C | 
| New Parliament House, Islamabad | 691. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 50.00 25.00 v1. Imperf block 7000.00 SET = 687 to 690 200.00 100.00 N: 24 (6 x4) stamps : 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, four traffic lights on left corner and year 1987 in the centre of the sheet. | | 1987-4 DRUG FREE SOCIETY PREVENTIIVE EDUCATION AGAINST GRUG ABUSE 30th June, 1987 Perf: 13C | 
| Opium Poppies & Flower | 692. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 20.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 20.00 N: 25 (5 x 5) stamps 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.500ML PP. Litho Offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din |
Imprint on lower margin in right Imprint on lower margin in right corner, four traffic lights on left corner and year 1987 in the centre of the sheet. | | 1987-5 4TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE DAY |
| 14th August, 1987 Perf: 13C |  | 1- Flag & National Anthem Score | 1- Text of Speech by Muhammad Ali Jinnah | 2- Minar-e-Qardad-i-Pakistan, Emblem & Flag | 693. Rs. 80p Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 | 694. Rs. 3.00p Multicoloured 30.00 20.00 | FIRST DAY COVER 50.00 | N: 25 (5 x 5) stamps 32.5 x 44.5 mm | Q: 0.500ML each PP. Litho Offset | D: Adil Salah-ud-Din | Imprint on lower margin in right corner, four traffic lights on left corner and year 1987 in the centre of the sheet. | | 1987-6 | AIR FORCE DAY | 7th September, 1987 Perf: 13C |  | Aero planes & PAF Insignia | 695. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 696. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 697. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 698. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 699. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 700. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 701. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 702. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 703. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 704. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 15.00 SET = 695 TO 704 250.00 150.00 |
FIRST DAY COVER 250.00 | | N: 10 (Different Design ) (2v x 5) stamps Q: 0.250 ML each PP. Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din (From Painting of Sqn. Ldr. Masood A. Hussain) Printed together se-tenant in sheetlet of ten stamps. Imprint on lower migrating in left corner, four traffic lights in rights corner and year 1987 in the centre of the sheets. Showing military Air crafts (1) Hawker Tem-post MK II, (2) Hawker Fury (3) Super marine Attacks (4)North American F-86 Sabre (5) Lock-head C130 Hercules (7) Shenyang Tianjin F-6, (8) Dassault Mirage III (9)North American A-5 A Vigilante (10) General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. A presentation pack also issued by Pakistan Air Force. Presentation pack with sheet=Rs. 300.00 | |
| | 1987-7 PAKISTAN TOURISM CONVENTION 1st October, 1987 Perf: 13C | 
| 1- Pasu Glacier 2- Apricot Trees 3- Karakoram Highway 4- View from Khunjrab Pass | 705. Rs. 1.50 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 706. Rs. 1.50 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 707. Rs. 1.50 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 708. Rs. 1.50 Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 SET = 705 to 708 80.00 N: 24 (4v x 6) stamps or 6 sets Q: 0.250 ML each PP. Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Four stamps were printed together se-tenant in blocks of four throughout the sheet. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, four traffic lights on left corner and year 1987 in the centre of the sheet. | | 1987-8 HAZRAT SHAH ABDUL LATIF BHATAI 8th October, 1987 Perf: 13C |  | Abdul Latif Bhitai Mausoleum | 709. 80p Multicoloured 20.00 10.00 FIRST DAY COVER 10.00 N: 50 (5 x 10) stamps Q: 0.250 ML each PP. Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1987 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1987-9 CENTENARY OF D.J. SIND GOVT. SCIENCE COLLEGE, KARACHI 7th November, 1987 Perf: 13C |  | D.J. Sing Science College, Karachi | 710. 80p Multicoloured 10.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 10.00 N: 32 (4 x 18) stamps Q: 0.500 ML each PP.Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1987 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1987-10 SILVER JUBILEE CONFERENCE OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 9th December, 1987 Perf: 13C | 
| College Of Physicians And Surgeons & Emblem | 711. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 10.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 10.00 N: 25 (5 x 5) stamps S: 49.2 x 30.7 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP.Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1987 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1987-11 INTERNATIONL YEAR OF SHELTER FOR THE HOMELESS 15th December, 1987 Perf: 13C |  | Homeless People, Houses & Rising Sun | 712. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N: 25 (5 x 5) stamps S: 30.7 x 49.2 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP.Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1987 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1987-12 CENTENARY OF CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF THE RESURRENCTION LAHORE. 20th December, 1987 Perf: 13C |  | Cathedral Church of the Resurrection, Lahore | 713. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N: 50 (5 x 10) stamps Q: 0.250 ML each PP.Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1987 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1987-13 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF PAKSTAN POST OFFICE 28th December, 1987 Perf: 13C |  | Moneycomb & Arms | 714. Rs. 1.00 Multicoloured 25.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N: 25 (5 x 5) stamps S: 40 x 40 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP.Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1987 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1987-14 RADIO PAKSITAN NEW CONCEPT OF BROADCASTING 31st December, 1987 Perf: 13C |  | Radio Pakistan Emblem & Sun | 715. 80p Multicoloured 15.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 15.00 N: 32 (4 x 8) stamps S: 49.2 x 30.7 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP.Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1987 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | |