| Jamshed Nusserwanjee & KMC Building | 716. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 15.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 15.00 N: 32 (4 x 8) stamps S: 49.2 x 30.7 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1988 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1988-2 WORLD LEPROSY DAY 31 January 1988 Pref: 13C | 
| Leprosy Emblem within Flower | 717. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N: 32 (4 x 8) stamps S: 49.2 x 30.7 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1988 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1988-3 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 7th April 1988 Perf: 13C | 
| WHO Building & Emblem | 718. Rs. 4.00 Multicoloured 30.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 30.00 N: 40 (5 x 8) stamps S: 49.2 x 21.2 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-ud-din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1988 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1988-4 125TH ANNVERSARY OF THE RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT MOVEMENTS 8th May 1988 Perf: 13C | 
| Globe & Emblem | 719. Rs. 4.00 Multicoloured 25.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N: 32 (8 x 4) stamps S: 32.5 x 44.5 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP: Litho offset D: Pakistan Red Cross Society. Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1988 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1988-5 INDEPENDENCE DAY 14th August 1988 Perf: 13C | 
| Crescent Leaf pattern | 720. 80p. Multicoloured 10.00 5.00 721. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 5.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N: 28 (4 x 7) stamps S: 41 x 33 mm Q: 0.250 ML each PP: Litho offset D: Adil Salah-Ud-Din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1988 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1988-6 SEOUL OLYMPIC GAMES 17th September 1988 Perf: 13C |  | Seoul Games | |
| | 722. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 723. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 724. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 725. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 726. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 727. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 728. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 729. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 730. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 731. Rs. 10.00 Multicoloured 40.00 20.00 SET= 722 TO 731 400.00 200.00 FIRST DAY COVER 400.00 N: 10 (Different Design) = (2 x 5) stamps S: 57.25 x 27.5 mm Q:0.500ML each PP. Litho Offset D: Adil Salah-ud-Din Printed together se-tenant in a sheet let of ten stamps, including 36 postal labels (on manquies) around the sheet. \ Imprint on right and left side of the sheets under both stamps. Games (1) Filed Events (2) Track Events, (3) Jumping & Pole vaulting, (4) Gymnastic, (5) Table Tennis, Hockey & Base Ball, (7) Wrestling, Judo, Boxing & Weightlifting, (8) Shooting, Fencing and Archery, (9) Water Sports, (10) Equestrain events & Cycling. | | 1988-7 WILD SERIES SULEMAN MARKHAR 29th October 1988 Perf: 14C | 
| Suleman Markhar | 732. Rs. 2.00 Multicoloured 50.00 25.00 FIRST DAY COVER 50.00 N: 50 (10 x 5) stamps S: 40 x 50 mm Q: 1.000 ML PP: Litho offset Printed: Secura Singapore (Pvt) Ltd. Imprint on lower margin and SSPL on upper margin in the centre of the sheet. Five traffic lights in upper and lower corners on lights and left margin’s of the sheet. Plate number 1A, 1A, 1A, 1A, 1A, on upper and lower margins in rights and left corners of the sheet. Gum PVA | | 1988-8 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF ISLAMIA COLLEGE PESHAWAR 22nd December 1988 Perf: 13C | 
| Islamia College Peshawar | 733. Rs. 3.00 Multicoloured 25.00 10.00 FIRST DAY COVER 25.00 N: 18 (3 x 6) stamps S: 50 x 33 mm Q: 1.000 ML PP. Litho offset: D: Adil Salah-Ud-Din Imprint on lower margin in right corner, year 1988 in the centre and four traffic lights in left corner of the sheet. | | 1988-9 4TH MEETING OF SOURTH ASIAN ASSOCIATION OFR REGIONAL CO-OOPERATION (SAARC) ISLAMABAD 29th December 1988 Perf: Rs. 25 & 75 13C Rs. 50 14C | 
| Rs.25/- Flags Globe & Symbols | Rs.50/- Symbol of Agriculture, Industry with Flags | Rs.75/- Postage Stamps From Member Countries | 734. Rs. 25.00 Multicoloured 100.00 100.00 735. Rs. 50.00 Multicoloured 300.00 300.00 736. Rs. 75.00 Multicoloured 400.00 400.00 SET = 734 to 736 800.00 800.00 FIRST DAY COVER 800.00 N: Rs. 25, Rs. 75 = 8 (2 x 4) stamps Rs. 50.00 = 8 (3+2+3) stamps and one stamps size label with Saarc Emblem in the centre of the sheet. Saarc Emblem in the centre of the sheet. S: Rs. 25.00 = 50.8 x 32.5 mm, Rs. 50.00 = 36.77 x 36.77 mm, Imprint on lower margin in the centre, year 1988 on upper side of imprint, 7 stars on left & 7 stars on right side of the year. | |