The Abbasi Dynasty

Imtiaz-i-Sutlej - First Class, breast star (L) and sash badge (R).
Imtiaz-i-Sutlej (the Distinction of the Sutlej): founded by Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan V Abbasi as the supreme award of the state. Awarded in five classes (1. Grand Commander, 2. Grand Officer, 3. Commander, 4. Officer, and 5. Member). The first class being restricted to senior members of the Bahawalpur and foreign ruling families and, very rarely, exceptional statesmen.

Imtiaz-i-Sutlej - Second Class, breast star (L) and neck badge (R).

Imtiaz-i-Sutlej - Third Class, neck badge.
Imtiaz-i-Haroonia (the Distinction of Haroonia): founded by Nawab Muhammad Bahawal Khan V Abbasi on the attainment of his majority and investiture with full ruling powers, by the Viceroy Lord Curzon, in person, on 12th November 1903. Awarded in five classes (1. Grand Commander, 2. Grand Officer, 3. Commander, 4. Member Fourth Class in gilt, and 5. Member Fifth Class in silver).

Imtiaz-i-Haroonia- First Class, breast star (L) and sash badge (R).

Imtiaz-i-Haroonia- Second Class, breast star.

Imtiaz-i-Haroonia- Second Class, neck badge, Type I (L) and
Type II (R) both on Type II ribbon.

Imtiaz-i-Haroonia - Third Class, neck badge.
Imtiaz-i-Abbasia (the Distinction of the Abbasids): founded by Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan V Abbasi in honour of his dynasty and as a reward for personal an public service in all fields of endeavour. Awarded in five classes (1. Grand Commander, 2. Grand Officer, 3. Commander, 4. Member Fourth Class in gilt, and 5. Member Fifth Class in silver).

Imtiaz-i-Abbasia - First Class, breast star (L) and sash badge (R).

Imtiaz-i-Abbasia- Second Class, breast star (L) and neck badge (R).

Imtiaz-i-Abbasia- Third Class, breast badge.

Imtiaz-i-Haroonia -Fifth Class, breast badge (L) and Imtiaz-i-Abbasia -
Fifth Class, breast badge (R).